I had invested many mucho bucko $$$ into personal development books, workshops, and coaches with little to no change in my weight, my relationships, or bank account....
I was "efforting" like crazy. I worked long hours in my business without adequate financial compensation, forced diets and workout programs, built funnel after funnel, and kept begging the universe to show up already.
None of the prescribed actions I heard from the gurus on the stage really shifted my life. I was losing faith that any of this "you can create your life" mumbo jumbo actually worked...
I made one last Hail Mary... I shut the books, dumped the gurus, and let go of all the "rules."
With myself as the ultimate guinea pig I set out to what actually worked. I wanted practical and actionable. I was on a hunt for results.
With the power of massive intention, new levels of self love, and divine guidance I shed over 70 lbs in 9 months...
I competed in a bikini competition, wrote a book, doubled my family's monthly income. All of this happened in less than a year!
This experience changed everything for me. I finally knew what it took to get real results. The type of results I had been craving, not just the kind that make you feel better about the same old shit.
The kind of results that finally transform that shit into gold!
I was "efforting" like crazy. I worked long hours in my business without adequate financial compensation, forced diets and workout programs, built funnel after funnel, and kept begging the universe to show up already.
None of the prescribed actions I heard from the gurus on the stage really shifted my life. I was losing faith that any of this "you can create your life" mumbo jumbo actually worked...
I made one last Hail Mary... I shut the books, dumped the gurus, and let go of all the "rules."
With myself as the ultimate guinea pig I set out to what actually worked. I wanted practical and actionable. I was on a hunt for results.
With the power of massive intention, new levels of self love, and divine guidance I shed over 70 lbs in 9 months...
I competed in a bikini competition, wrote a book, doubled my family's monthly income. All of this happened in less than a year!
This experience changed everything for me. I finally knew what it took to get real results. The type of results I had been craving, not just the kind that make you feel better about the same old shit.
The kind of results that finally transform that shit into gold!