What is the single biggest factor to your success? 

Your Alignment
I had invested many mucho bucko $$$ into personal development books, workshops, and coaches with little to no change in my weight, my relationships, or bank account....

I was "efforting" like crazy. I worked long hours in my business without adequate financial compensation, forced diets and workout programs, built funnel after funnel, and kept begging the universe to show up already.

None of the prescribed actions I heard from the gurus on the stage really shifted my life. I was losing faith that any of this "you can create your life" mumbo jumbo actually worked...  

I made one last Hail Mary... I shut the books, dumped the gurus, and let go of all the "rules."

With myself as the ultimate guinea pig I set out to what actually worked. I wanted practical and actionable. I was on a hunt for results. 

With the power of massive intention, new levels of self love, and divine guidance I shed over 70 lbs in 9 months... 

I competed in a bikini competition, wrote a book, doubled my family's monthly income. All of this happened in less than a year! 

This experience changed everything for me. I finally knew what it took to get real results. The type of results I had been craving, not just the kind that make you feel better about the same old shit.

The kind of results that finally transform that shit into gold!  

If you are feeling fed up with the journey...

and are ready to finally get some
f-ing results... 

you are in the right place! 

VioletRain is a Powerhouse! And honestly, just being in her space is transformational.

I have been blown away by her ability to help shift someone's perspective by simply just BEing with them. She's a complete game changer!"
Rose Barlow
CEO Rosie Posie Kids Clothing Boutique
Introducing "The Legacy Living Inner Circle Program"
Your Life & Business Manifestation and Transformation fast track. 
Weekly Group Coaching calls. Deep diving into the subconscious beliefs, blocks, and defense mechanism that sabotage your life and business.
Exclusive never before seen content showing you in the moment breakthroughs and alchemy. Modeling for you how to implement what you have learned. 
Adaptive Training
Exclusive weekly deep dive support on an inspired topic in response to the groups collective process. Delivered straight to your phone via text. 
The investment in myself as a member of Legacy Inner circle pays for itself!  Attempting to quantify the rewards in money is futile and impossible, because the reward is intangible.

children are blessed with a mother who is well acquainted with her inner child. My husband benefits from a wife who loves her body, and can live his life free of the dreaded question, "does this make me look fat?"

Because I get to look in the mirror and
love me today and live free from the idea that my body is a prison. I am here to enjoy this vessel in new and playful ways.

I want to shout from the mountain tops and look under rocks leaving no soul untouched by the juicy love filled life that VioletRain brings!

VioletRain is a living testimony that living your passion only benefits others. Inner Circle was the missing link, the antidote for a life that craved more. If you are ready to tell your brain and ego to take a hike and follow your true passion...Inner Circle is your tribe.
Ginger Shaver
Massage Therapist

If you Desire to...

  •  To clear the way for your authentic life.
  • To Free yourself from the limitations of your past. And fall in love with the process of doing so.
  • To know and own that Your success and desires are not only possible but destined to become your reality.
  • To unlock the blueprint to your dream life and business.
  • To clear your path of the insecurities, saboteurs, and stories that keep you stuck.
  • To strengthen your connection with your inner guidance.
  • To Reclaim your power to create your life.
  • To fine tune your vibrational point of attraction to allow all that you desire to flow to you more effortlessly.
  • To channel your inner badass and allow her to guide you.
  • To master energy alchemy and confidently traverse anything that comes your way.
  • To live in positive expectation as you boldly claim your best f*cking life. 

Then this is your sign. 

Join us for Legacy Living Inner Circle.
Register before Friday December 1st at Midnight for Exclusive VIP Bonus Session
with V & Keeli deep diving into your unique Human Design and crafting your individualized system for success in 2024. 

Make 2024 your year.
Full Year Membership Options:

Payment Plan
$ 397 per month
12 Months
Weekly Coaching Calls (3 per month)
Weekly Pocket Coaching
Monthly Master Class Live
Monthly Group Hypnosis Reprogramming 
$ 4K Year
Two months free!
Weekly Coaching ( 3 per Month)
Weekly Pocket Coaching
Monthly Master Class Live
Monthly Group Hypnosis Reprogramming

** BONUS**
Past Life Regression Session $800 Value

Start the year off right.
6 Month membership Options

$ 397 per month
6 Months
Weekly Coaching Calls (3 per month)
Weekly Pocket Coaching
Monthly Master Class Live
Monthly Group Hypnosis Reprogramming 
6 Months of Support
$ 2K Full Pay
1 month free!
Weekly Coaching ( 3 per Month)
Weekly Pocket Coaching
Monthly Master Class Live
Monthly Group Hypnosis Reprogramming

** BONUS**
Live Your Dream Manifestation Course Module 1
($500 Value) 
I have so much  gratitude for the
Inner Circle Program!
VioletRain delivers a powerful message easy to comprehend, you feel the radiant power of truth found behind the daily challenges we face in life.

She shows you how to restore the passion and power in you to be able to adjust to all your circumstances with grace and ease. I highly recommend her Inner Circle Program to shatter the blocks in your life that are preventing your dreams from becoming reality.
Christine Skjerpen
Writer, Marketer Entrepreneur

Legacy Living Inner Circle
Living Life YOUR way.

*One Month of Program for Free ($794 value)
* Live Your Dream Manifestation Course Module 1 ($500 value)
Payment Plan
$ 397 per month
12 Months
$ 4K Full Pay
Two months free!
Payment Plan
$ 397 per month
6 Months
$ 2K Full Pay
One Month free!