Your Soul Is Calling... 


A direct conversation with your soul's design.
Clarify what your soul is saying about what you are here to learn, do, and become. Answer the call with renewed confidence by coming to know and own your life themes and purpose. 

Where Does Your Soul-Print Come From?

As a little girl I would come home from school to find my room full of entities. You can call them spirits, energies, ghosts or whatever you want. 

All I knew is that they were there. They would talk to me, pester me, frighten me, and sometimes even beg me. I quickly developed the understanding of spirt realm. 

I didn't see or communicate with light beings until around the age of 12. That is when I first acknowledged my gift out loud and learned how to tap into it intentionally. 

At the age of 16 I began offering private "angel" readings and coaching sessions.

I loved every minute of it. Knowing little about the world of business I went off intuition and charged $100 per hour and had a steady stream of people booking. 

At The age of 18, while on a trip to an energy therapy certification I had a profound experience that activated me into the next level of my intuitive gifts.

As I lay in my bed that night I began to hear the most beautiful music.

It was ethereal and hard to describe,  I could hear it with more than just my ears, my whole body seemed to experience the sound. It was beautiful beyond words. 

When I woke up the next morning I could see numbers, grids, and sequences. I was seeing things that a short while later I learned were apart of the Fibonacci Sequence and scared geometry.

I soon developed the ability to not only read people's energy system but also activate the divine perfection that lay dormant or forgotten within it. Divine DNA Activation became my mission

Over the years I have come across several systems of study like astrology, human design, and most recently the Gene Keys that validated what I see in my clients as well as expanded my ability to understand, explain, and active it

My gifts combined with these systems has birthed what I now call "Soul-Print" sessions.

 I run several charts for your "Soul Print" using your birth date and location. From there I build a picture for you that clarifies, explains, and empowers you through you current life juncture

Going over your entire soul-print would take upwards of 20-hours so the more specific your question(s) for your session the more directed your insights and activations will be.   

Here are some possible directions for your session: 
What is your unique offering to the planet? What are the shadow aspect of your gifts that sabotage your success. 
What shadow themes, lessons, and patterns manifest in your relationships? How to identify and shift them. 
Soul Calling 
What is your purpose here? What roles best suit you?  How can you identify and call forth your tribe. 
What shadows are blocking your Abundance? What can you do to shift to aligning to more prosperity? 
Soul-print work is the process of reactivating your dormant Divine DNA.

This DNA contains the truth about your purpose, powers, and core blocks in this lifetime.

After a soul-print activation your radiance is undeniable, your clarity palpable, and your unique powers unleashed.

Allow me to introduce you to the most powerful being in the universe, you.

Introducing You to You

Shadow Patterns
Your Soul-print contains the answers to your most frustrating blocks, blind spots, and self-defeating patterns.

You will recognize self sabotage and have the tools to eradicate it.
Activate Gifts
Your Soul-print details your unique powers. It reintroduces you to yourself in a way that renders you speechless.

You will know and own your greatness, and the true impact you are here to have on the planet.
What They Say:


"As I stood before her, we began to dance with each step another piece of my outer shell fell away, exposing another part of my Soul, until I stood completely naked in my own Divine beauty.

From there she began to pull away the stitching that had my eyes sewn shut for far too long. Now here I stand, My eyes wide open Standing in my pure Divine beauty Ready to now lead the Dance!

I'm am forever grateful that I accepted this dance with this extraordinary woman!"
-Jamie Dodd
Intuitive, Healer, Alchemist 


>30 minute Exploratory call to set soul print intention
>60 minute Soul Print Session
>A PDF of your Soul Print Report
> Archetypes Master Class LIVE Recording

*BONUS: 3 Months of Legacy Living Inner Circle Group Coaching


Soul Print Full Pay: $1,497
3 Payments of $520

Full Pay $777
3 Payments $277
Only 10 Spots Available 
© 2018 Nancy Rae Allen. All Rights Reserved.