Live Your Legacy
Winning every day and every year
⚠️The moment that changed my life forever… happened fall of 2017 It was a random day at a random time and I was journaling. (Not New Year’s Eve 😉) I was journaling about my life. The main areas I was frustrated with… the areas I had been desperately trying to change for years 🤕 I […]
When Shit Happens
It’s not your “fault” but it is now your responsibility. Shit (Painful) things happen. Illness, Accidents, Natural Disasters… etc The more time you spend finding someone or something else to blame the more of your power you give away and the longer you sit in the shit. Stop. Asking “why” doesn’t lead to answers. It […]
Her Poison Could be Your Cure
🙄Grow your business with “Flow” and “Ease” I see these buzz words going around a lot lately and in some cases… for those of us that force, push, and over work to create and manifest… this understanding can be a massive gift! 🎁 But for others it creates a HUGE block and stuckie stuck feeling. […]
Lies that BLOCK Manifestation: There is Only one Way.
If you ever hear someone say that there is only one way to build a successful business, lose weight, or have a relationship they are probably selling something… 🤦♀️ And on top of whatever they are selling they are also selling lies and Disempowerment… You are way more powerful than someone else’s rules about how […]
Moments that Matter
💎 The Moments that matter most. 💎 Beaches, private jets, fancy restaurants, photoshopped faces, and bikinis.. 💰These things are alluring, intriguing, fun, sexy, luxurious, and desirable. And yet they are not the moments I reflect on most in my life when I’m feeling nostalgic… When tragedy strikes and life as we know it is changed […]
Remember THIS when you are sick and tired of waiting to manifest
Do you ever get sick and tired of waiting for the sh*t you are envisioning to show the F*** up already!?! 🙋♀️Guilty!🤦♀️ I’ve been a student of The Law of Attraction for over 12 years and in that time I’ve had many bang my head against the wall moments. 😰When we grow impatient with the […]
Money Blocks
💰Why you aren’t making more money.💰 If you really believed you could/should have more money right now you would. If you don’t have the money you want then there is simply something you are believing that is blocking it. Sample of adorably common and BS beliefs 🚫Once I have more Initials behind my name I’ll […]
How to Change Someone’s Mind
Changing someone’s mind requires tact. 🙋♀️ I am very qualified to talk about tact.. because I have a lot of experience saying things in very tact-less ways 😅🤦♀️ One of my gifts is seeing and understanding the way things work in humans interactions. I study and dissect tact daily and have learned some valuable insights. […]
The 3 Problems Preventing Badasses from living in their Genius
💰The problems preventing people from living abundantly in their genius: I have found living in my genius to be one of the keys to a fulfilled life. It is such an amazing feeling to know that I am using and maximizing the gifts I was blessed with and have developed. Knowing that I am making a […]
Knowing vs Doing * 3 Tips for Integration
If I ever get stuck trying to do something online like change a setting in Facebook, I google it. Instantly I have step by step instructions in text and/or video form. We are in the Information Age, where almost all of our questions can be answered with the click of a button…The problem today is […]
This sounds “cheesy as” but my friends I MUST tell you. YOU CAN LIVE YOUR DREAM(S) I mean it. I don’t care what it is… I mean of course I care, but what I mean is it doesn’t matter what it is in order for me to know that… YES, IT’S POSSIBLE. Believing THIS is […]
Discerning Truth & Dismantling Cult Mentality
Each one of us is born on the planet with an Internal Compass. A Guiding Voice helping us to Navigate life as we know it. As we grow, the voices multiply. We accrue and internalize the voices of our parents, teachers, and church leaders. Our worldview begins to expand and we learn a great deal from the […]