Money & Manifestation Activation Series
The Course You all have been asking for. 

Money & Manifestation

Money has been a big topic of concern with you all these last few weeks. ๐Ÿ’ฐ

๐Ÿ’—And birthed from our desire to support even more people in shifting into the alignment of receiving their dream life, we have channeled this experience ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ.

๐Ÿค˜๐ŸปWe will be aligning to the truth of your unlimited power to create your own experience.

๐Ÿค˜๐ŸปWe will awaken the dormant God/Godess within your DNA and empower you to live in the full ownership of your life.

๐Ÿค˜๐ŸปWe will clarify and align to the guaranteed frequency of full realization of your vision.

๐Ÿค˜๐ŸปWe will witness Miracles together. 
6 Course Modules
2 LIVE Q and A's With Coaching
FB Manifestation Group
2 Bonus Master Class LIVES 

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The Course You all have been asking for. 

What to Expect

Module #1: It's Just the Facts 

The real nitty gritty down to earth science behind the Law of Attraction.

This module was designed FOR the logical side of the brain that often highjacks our ability to maintain a frequency long enough to manifest a particular result. 

Our mind massively benefits from EPIC evidence of the guaranteed, reliable, and bankworthy ๐Ÿค‘ strategies that make the Law of Attraction work. 

When the Logical/Masculine side of the brain is fully on board a tidal wave of power and forward momentum is unleashed. 

Module #2: Desire Activation

Now that we've got the mind on board it is time to align the heart. 

This module dives into the beginning of all creation, DESIRE. We will relax into the deeply spiritual (magical) side of The Law of Attraction. 

This module was crafted with deep intention to reconnect you with your creator in a more trusting and tangible way. 

Module #3: Manifestation Method

This is where the rubber really meets the road as we walk you through our process of Manifesting the Life of our Dreams. 

In this module we will detail for you how we manifested our dream Twin Flame Union, Soul Driven Careers, Epic Play and Travel, 6-Figure Coaching Business, and Aligned Weight Loss. 

Module 4: Troubleshooting- WTF to do when it "doesn't work" 

The disappointment and chronic pessimism that build up over a life time of broken expectations are the major "blocks" that prevent effortless alignment. 

These experiences but more importantly the cynical perception you hold from them gets to be released in order to manifest effectively and consistently. 

NEW Module's 5 & 6 Launching This month! 



*Enrollment closes June 30th Midnight MST
You ARE worthy of all that you desire! MORE is possible for you than you can imagine. 

If this course is the next step for you, you'll know. Your intuition is always speaking to.  Trust it badass. Let's Go! 

Keeli & VioletRain

$ 380 every month
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$ 190 every 2 weeks
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