⚠️The moment that changed my life forever… happened fall of 2017
It was a random day at a random time and I was journaling. (Not New Year’s Eve 😉)
I was journaling about my life. The main areas I was frustrated with…
the areas I had been desperately trying to change for years 🤕
I had a sudden, slightly angry, flash of determination.
“This.” I wrote pushing my pen hard into the paper, “is the year I get everything I’ve ever wanted.”
The Body. The Money. The Lifestyle.
From that moment on I said this 👆🏻to myself every day.
In my mind I determined that EVERY day was the beginning of a brand new year, a year that was destined to bring me everything I desired.
I was committed to finding the way. I was ALL in. I put in every once of belief, faith, and mindset badassary I could muster.
🔥I had difficult conversation
🔥Created and held new boundaries
🔥I released some toxic friendships
🔥I believed in the face of contradictory evidence
And guess what?!?
🤩A year from that very day I was traveling the country in my lean ass bikini body, supported by a thriving and lucrative business. 💫
THIS is the beginning of a new year. (And so is every damn day after this)
Choose THIS moment to be your life changing moment. The moment you DECIDE things will be different.
Look in the mirror and say it with me. “THIS is the year I will get everything I’ve ever wanted.”
🥂To all your dreams. May you believe them into reality.
Be sure to Check out the New Year’s Podcast 🔥