Remember THIS when you are sick and tired of waiting to manifest

Do you ever get sick and tired of waiting for the sh*t you are envisioning to show the F*** up already!?!


I’ve been a student of The Law of Attraction for over 12 years and in that time I’ve had many bang my head against the wall moments.

😰When we grow impatient with the manifestation process… restless with waiting… and so incredibly dissatisfied with “what is” ….. we must remember THIS🔥

Dissatisfaction is a necessary state in our evolution into the biggest most epic version of ourselves… Dissatisfaction is a low frequency manifestation of our genetic pressure to evolve.

IT is essential ( in order to speed up the actualization of our creations and experience more spontaneous joy NOW) that we stop emotionally reacting to our dissatisfaction by trying to speed up or FORCE it to happen now.

When a manifestation is in “gestation” and we force it to materialize before it is ready to solve our own restlessness we are interfering with nature.

The results of this are NOT FUN. 😭

If what we are wanting to create is not here then energetically it is not capable of surviving outside of the creation space yet.

➡️Let your vision gestate my badass friend. I know it can be so freaking frustrating.

When you find yourself losing patient and overly dissatisfied with “What is” (the state of the reality of your body, relationship(s), business) remember THIS!

➡️Get present in your body, breathe, and start into a gratitude rampage. Find something to enjoy in the present moment.

➡️Realign to the knowing that it is already yours. The whole multiverse and legions of epic light beings are supporting you. You are not alone.

Your job? LEAN back and TRUST!

I love you.



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